Two ways to control your blood pressure without medication

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Hypertension, or high blood pressure, as it is more commonly known, is a serious health problem which can put a person at risk of a heart attack or a stroke. A lot of people choose to take medication to manage this condition. Whilst in some cases, this medication is an absolute necessity, it is possible for many people to control their blood pressure without it. Here are two things that could potentially help you to maintain healthy blood pressure levels, without having to take prescription drugs.

Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity (particularly cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging, cycling and swimming) has been shown to significantly reduce a person's blood pressure. As such, one of the best things you can do if you're concerned about developing hypertension (or if you already have it) is to exercise several times a week (it should be noted, however, that if you have been diagnosed with a very severe case of hypertension, you will need to consult your doctor before implementing a new exercise routine).

Sticking to a fitness routine can be challenging; however, if you're concerned about your blood pressure, it's absolutely crucial to do so. If you want to stay motivated, you must find an activity that suits your personal preferences. For example, if you like socialising, but aren't particularly fond of the great outdoors, there's no point forcing yourself to do solitary outdoor activities, such as walking or cycling on your own around your local area.

Whilst you might be able to keep up with this activity a few days, you'll eventually lose your motivation because it's not something that you truly enjoy. In this example, it would be far better to look for an indoor cycling class in your town or city. This would provide you with a fun, social and comfortable environment in which to exercise.

Manage your stress levels

Stress is considered to be a risk factor for hypertension. Given this, if you're concerned about your recent blood pressure readings, it makes sense to try and manage and reduce your stress levels. There are a number of ways to go about doing this.

Going for regular massages is one effective approach. During a relaxation massage, the therapist will use either their hands or special tools to knead, stroke and rub various muscles in your body. These movements can help to release muscular knots created by stress-induced physical tension. Most people find this to be an excellent way to quickly and dramatically reduce their stress levels.

Meditation is another excellent way to relieve stress and thus lower your blood pressure. There are several different types of meditation which you can try out. However, most involve focusing the mind on a single object (such as the breath or the flame of a candle) and allowing the thoughts that crop up to simply come and go, without getting attached to them.
